Frequency of musical notes

The frequency of musical notes is a fundamental aspect of music, as it determines the pitch of each sound. Music is a universal language that connects us through melodies, rhythms, and harmonies. But what really defines a musical note? The answer lies in frequency.

The frequency of a musical note is the number of vibrations per second, measured in Hertz (Hz), that determines the pitch of a sound.

In music, each note has a specific frequency that allows for the creation of harmony and melody. Understanding these frequencies is essential for musicians, producers, and sound enthusiasts.

In scientific terms, the frequency of a musical note is measured in Hertz (Hz), which represents the number of vibrations per second. The higher the frequency, the sharper the sound; conversely, the lower the frequency, the deeper the sound.

Music is organized into a system of notes that repeat at different pitches, forming what we know as octaves. The frequency of a note doubles when moving up one octave, creating a mathematically harmonic structure in sound.

In Western music, the octave is divided into 12 notes in the equal temperament tuning system, which are:

  • Natural notes: C, D, E, F, G, A, B
  • Accidental notes: C#, D#, F#, G#, A# (or their flat equivalents: Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb)
NoteOctave 0Octave 1Octave 2Octave 3Octave 4Octave 5Octave 6Octave 7Octave 8
C (Do)16.3532.7065.41130.81261.63523.251046.502093.004186.01
C# (Do#)17.3234.6569.30138.59277.18554.371108.732217.464434.92
D (Re)18.3536.7173.42146.83293.66587.331174.662349.324698.63
D# (Re#)19.4538.8977.78155.56311.13622.251244.512489.024978.03
E (Mi)20.6041.2082.41164.81329.63659.251318.512637.025274.04
F (Fa)21.8343.6587.31174.61349.23698.461396.912793.835587.65
F# (Fa#)23.1246.2592.50185.00369.99739.991479.982959.965919.91
G (Sol)24.5049.0098.00196.00392.00783.991567.983135.966271.93
G# (Sol#)25.9651.91103.83207.65415.30830.611661.223322.446644.88
A (La)27.5055.00110.00220.00440.00880.001760.003520.007040.00
A# (La#)29.1458.27116.54233.08466.16932.331864.663729.317458.62
B (Si)30.8761.74123.47246.94493.88987.771975.533951.077902.13

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